Monday, September 22, 2008


So in sophomore year of high school, Anthony Grimaldi and I were neck and neck on the bench press.  Call it 4 sets of 4 with 215 or so.  After Science got involved, by junior year he was benching almost 500 pounds.  To be clear, that was then more than I could. How strong would Anthony be without steroids?  We couldn't know until he stopped using them.  

My point?  Try to get a f-ing loan.  You can't.  What is something worth?  It's worth what people can afford to pay. If Americans can't borrow from their home in order to afford to buy that second bucket of rubber dog sh*t from the Chinese company that makes it from rubber from Brazil, what is the state of the global economy?  Yes, exactly, you have no idea.  That's why decoupling (the US can go into recession and the global economy can be carried by emerging market strength) is bull. Read that new Soros book if you really want to scare yourself. 

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